Google Groups hiccuped, and may have devoured my reply. Just in case,
I am re-writing it.

On Jun 17, 10:07 am, "Edward K. Ream" <> wrote:
> I do know that these installer problems are tiresome, and they often
> create more trouble for users than the installer is worth.  I also
> know that I'm not qualified to fix installer problems.
> Anyone have any idea what to do about this mess?

Since I never delivered the revised NSIS-based Windows installer that
I was working on, you would be entirely within your rights to discount
what I write now, but here goes. Let me know what you want me to do.

The revised installer is almost finished. It runs on Windows XP
Professional; I had no access to Windows Vista for testing. It
correctly handles Leo 4.3 and Leo 4.4, and works with Python 2.4 and
Python 2.5.

It checks for a Python that is installed for the current user, and
then it checks for a Python installed for all users. It installs a
copy of Leo for the current user only if it finds a copy of Python
that is available to that user only. It installs a single copy of Leo
for all Windows users when it finds a copy of Python that is available
to all users.  Installing for the current user only might appear to be
of limited importance, but consider how I used it: I created a couple
of Windows users for testing the installer, and was able to test with
multiple versions of Python, multiple installation scenarios...
without breaking the set-up that I used for compiling the installer.

I gather that the installers for Leo 4.5 and Leo 4.6 are written in
Python. If you think the Python-based installer is worth continuing I
will be happy to share what I learned in my work on the NSIS-based
installer. If you think it would make more sense to pick up the NSIS
installer, a bit of work with my revised version may bring it into the
current era.

I gather that one of the goals of the switch to the Python-based
installer was to install Leo as a package. I expect that it ought to
be possible to use NSIS to drive that intelligently, too.

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