On Jun 17, 10:07 am, "Edward K. Ream" <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I do know that these installer problems are tiresome, and they often
> create more trouble for users than the installer is worth.  I also
> know that I'm not qualified to fix installer problems.
> Anyone have any idea what to do about this mess?

Since I never delivered my modifications to the NSIS-based Windows
installer for Leo, you might with justice question my right to comment
here. Just let me know whether you want me to share what I got done or
what I learned. Details follow.

I got the modified installer almost finished before work issues and
personal constraints forced me to put it down. The work issues are no
longer an issue, and I can manage the personal constraints at this

I gather that the installers for Leo 4.5 and Leo 4.6 are written in
Python instead, and that they use the Python-standard tools. I gather
that one of the goals of the switch to the Python-based installer was
to install Leo as a package. I expect that it ought to be possible to
use NSIS to drive that intelligently, too.

If you wish to apply what I learned to the Python-based installer, I
can share what I learned while working on the NSIS-based one. If it
would make more sense to go back to the NSIS-based installer, a bit of
work should make it possible to incorporate my changes with current
Leo and start from there.

I tested my modified installer with Leo 4.3 and 4.4 under Windows XP
Professional; I did not have access to a Windows Vista box.  I do not
remember for certain whether I tested it with Python 2.3; I definitely
tested it with Python 2.4 and Python 2.5.

This modified installer correctly handles installation of a single Leo
for all users, using a Python installed for all users. If offers the
option of a Leo for the current user only, that worked with a Python
installed for that current user only also. This simplifies testing on
multiple versions of Python. It also supports testing Leo on multiple
installations of a given release of Python, which allows for testing
Leo with more than one configuration of Python ... without breaking
the set-up that I used for compiling the installer.

The modified installer also checks to make sure that it does not break
in various ways.

Let me know what you want me to do.
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