I pushed a fun new toy, "sticknotes.py" plugin (qt only).

It's a bit like detach-editor-toggle, or "open in external file".


1 Enter command alt-x stickynote
2 Current node will "pop out" as a minimal window (no menu, ...)
3 With current quick implementation, the text remains unchanged
regardless of whether you edit the same node in leo
4 Likewise, the changes to text are not written back to leo
5 Leo commands & keys are not active in the window. Only stock
functionality of QTextEdit is provided

#3 & especially #4 are easy to implement later. #5 I'm not planning to
implement at all (I want to keep the implemention trivial).

Even now, this is useful for various purposes - e.g. when you want to
view a node's contents while editing another node (for reference).

I found myself using detach-editor-toggle a lot for this purpose, even
if "alt-x stickynote" is really enough. Ignoring the leo bindings is a
plus, as I won't accidentally refocus another node. As opposed to
detach-editor, many sticky notes can be active at once.

Ville M. Vainio

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