James A. Donald <jam...@echeque.com> wrote:
 > > Genuine science is replicable.  And "replicable"
 > > does not mean two priests recite the same doctrine,
 > > it means they explain what they did in such a
 > > fashion that anyone else could do it also.
 > >
 > > If they refuse to explain, they are not scientists,
 > > but priests of Gaea.

Edward K. Ream wrote:
 > You can't be published in journals like Nature or
 > Science (or any other reputable scientific journal)
 > if you can't explain your work.

Unsupported and unexplained politically correct pseudo
science appears all the time in "Science" and "Nature"
For example:
: :     Despite the fact that these papers appeared
: :     in top journals like Nature and Science, none
: :     of the journal reviewers or editors ever
: :     required Briffa to release his Yamal data.
: :     Steve McIntyre’s repeated requests for them
: :     to uphold their own data disclosure rules
: :     were ignored.

This sort of thing (that PC science is in practice
exempted from data disclosure, and proudly proclaims
results on the basis of secret evidence) has been an
ongoing scientific scandal from the very beginning
of the global warming movement, and everyone aware
of this unscientific practice should have realized
that global warming science is not science, but
politics and religion, and that global warming
scientists are not scientists, but priests of Gaea.

Environmentalism, and several other isms, are state
sponsored religions, which because of state backing
have the privilege of publishing their holy texts in
scientific journals despite conspicuous and infamous
failure to comply with the standards and rules of
those journals.

Nine years later, Briffa's Yamal data for twentieth
century temperatures turned out to be that one tree of
ten selected trees grew unusually rapidly during the
twentieth century as compared to fossil trees of the
same type from the same area.  These ten trees were
selected by Bricca after a great many other trees in the
same area were measured, but the rest of the
measurements were not included.

The larger population of trees, taken as a whole, shows
much the same growth pattern as the fossil trees.

Take out one tree from those ten, Yamal06, and most of
the evidence for climate change vanishes.  Restore the
much larger set of tree measurements from which the ten
trees were selected, and all of the evidence for climate
change vanishes - the population as a whole is has the
same growth rates as the fossil tree.

Take out one tree from half a dozen graphs of global
warming in near a dozen papers, and suddenly they do not
show global warming any more.

Bricca has, at this time, not yet explained why those
ten trees, and not other trees in the same area measured
in the same survey.  And whatever his explanation, ten
trees is not enough.

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