> Of course I am.  Kuhn's work in no way implies that science is full of
> hoaxes. It acknowledges that science is done by human beings, and science
> must compensate for our human failings.

A great audio series which involves this theme is "How To Think About Science",
http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/features/science/index.html. It has changed my
views in several significant ways that I find hard to articulate. I
come out of it continuing to appreciate the great value the scientific
tradition has brought to world civilization, perhaps even more deeply,
with a simultaneous sharpening awareness of the blind spots the
"scientist" culture has -- as does all human endeavour.

Replied here instead of the OT Great Science thread as although it is
both great and science* I don't think it can be called primary
research or peer reviewed.

* in the etymological sense of "to know by study",

in the true spirit of sharing knowledge,


PS: To the discussion theme which spawned this byway: Climate change
is real, it's happening. We'd better start paying attention if for
there to be any hope of lessening the impending suffering. Debating
whether it is induced or influenced by human endeavour is almost
beside the point. Though in my mind there is no debate, we're doing
it. Oh, and climate change isn't the only thing to pay attention to.
Environmental contamination from human-created substances is at least
as big. Not to mention changes to ecosystems; when my
great-great-something-or-other uncle came to north america as navy
lieutenant there were so many fish in the harbour the ship's passage
was actually slowed. They caught their dinner by lowering a bucket
over the side. Now our boats have to travel hundreds of miles to get
their catch. Failure to recognize our impact on the planet and it's
many systems is the most significant delusion we have to overcome, I

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