Edward K. Ream wrote:
> There are *huge* disincentives for scientists to
> mislead themselves or others.  If there were real data contradicting global
> warming or evolution, people would instantly make their career by uncovering
> them.

This works in those fields where there is a lot of private funding, but 
in fields that are politically sensitive, and wholly government funded, 
we unsurprisingly get politics rather than science.

The government likes data that supports more government power, rewards 
those that tell it what it wants to hear, and punishes those that tell 
it what it does not want to hear.

Environmentalism is a state sponsored religion, for it is perfectly 
visible to anyone that wants to look that it is not subject to the same 
standards as normal science, the story of Briffa and the Yamal data 
being one example of a great many.

People have lost their jobs for reporting that glaciers are advancing in 
a particular area, even though they fully agreed that most glaciers are 
retreating.  This makes it hard to tell whether most glaciers are indeed 
retreating, though they probably are.

Environmentalism generally, and the Global Warming movement in 
particular, acts like a holy and sectarian religious movement, a 
religious movement backed by state power, not like science.

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