On Tue, 08 Jul 2014 11:11:06 -0400
Jacob Peck <gatesph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 7/8/2014 11:05 AM, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 9:36 AM, Jacob Peck <gatesph...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> What it could allow is per-node versioning... but there are better
> >> ways of doing that.  Kent's work, for example...
> > Thanks, Jake, for this comment.  I was wondering about that.
> >
> > I am also interested in preserving gnx's somehow, by tracking
> > changes to nodes in a db.  I think it was Fidel who suggested that,
> > and I'm wondering whether git might have any part to play in that
> > project.
> It's my personal opinion that the most lightweight solution to a
> problem is the best.  I think that using the entirety of the git
> machinery (i.e. libgit) would just be overkill for something like
> that.  Sqlite seems like a much more viable option IMO.  While using

+1 sqlite's include with Python, my reposting of the git versioning
proof of concept was just to point it out, not to suggest it's a way to

Cheers -Terry

> a 'git-outline' would allow some serious flexibility, I highly doubt
> there would be much use for it in practice.  And with the proper
> wrapper, sqlite calls could be wrapped in Leo's node API... something
> like p.getPreviousVersions() would return a list of SQL rows,
> containing (say) pickled or JSON'd  or leo-xml'd nodes, complete with
> uA's, timestamps, and headline/body pairs.
> I'm not well versed in the gnx.  I know it's unique per node, but not 
> much else.  Is it updated every time the node is updated?  If so, can 
> this behavior be broken without killing Leo's core?
> -->Jake
> > Edward
> >

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