On Thursday, 14 August 2014 17:49:08 UTC+1, Fidel N wrote:
> I knew very few of programming, nothing of python, and now I know both, 
> because I had the time, loved the concept of Leo, and could devote my time 
> to study both.

I intend to take the same path as you. I just wish I have the time and the 
patience required.

I also asked for a settings GUI, because IMO, this is screening out a lot 
> of people that would otherwise use Leo for non-programming related stuff.
> Something as simple as Notepad++ settings/preferences menu, just a simple 
> tick menu, would make much more people remain in Leo.
> Even if you love the concept, clones, etc, if you must learn python and 
> pyqt and Leo structures and Leo @node_id inheritance before you can edit 
> that, you simply wont.
> I know someone will think "its not neccesary to know pyqt to change the 
> background colors", but I have been there, and otherwise you dont really 
> know what you are touching // how to edit that.
> Also, having to restart the app for every change to make effect makes 
> everything much slower (for a newbie), all of this resulting in non 
> programmers running away from Leo as fast as they can.
> Just a few comboboxes with option lists, + tickboxes for boolean values, 
> would make a huge difference. If the need to restart Leo was removed, that 
> would make things perfect.
> But then again, this is a dev time problem, so only thing I can do till I 
> get some extra time to develop that myself, is to remain extremely grateful 
> for Leo as is right now.

I do believe that a middle ground could be struck for the management of 
settings, between the excessively dumbed down UI of all other general-use 
programs and the overly complicated (as in the current case) Qt-based-only 
interface which excludes those who are not advanced programmers. I, for 
one, have programming experience, though not with Python/PyQt, so I am not 
at all scared of editing text files for settings. 
HOWEVER, don't you think that the present method of managing settings is 
waaaaay too complicated, and unnecessarily so? I mean, the user has 
to manually modify the text-based settings (which is OK, although it is not 
at all easy) but then he also has to *run a script in order to compile the 
settings via the script*. Come on. Does anyone think that this is even 
remotely normal?!?
(No hard feelings, I hope)

The middle way I was hinting to would be having something similar to this:


and so on...

The settings management would be still text-based, but it would be:
1) all within one node
2) no scripts required
3) clearly understandable variable names

In short, it would be something humanly readable and understandable.

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