I still have the same issue I had with 5.0a2 ( 
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/leo-editor/yrn-QgMRRGc )
As Edward asked  - has anyone else seen this annoying behaviour with python 
3.4 / Win 7?
If you did make any changes they haven't had any effect on my side.

Here is the problem again for 5.0-b2:
Leo installs and opens workbook.leo by default but it won't open files via 
Help>Open CheatSheet, LeoDocs or quickstart.
Same result via File>Open C:\Program Files\Leo-5.0-b2\leo\doc
Recent Files are there but they don't open.

To correct the problem I did as you suggested earlier:

1. ​Right-clicked the Leo icon and chose properties.
2. Changed the "target" from pythonw.exe to python.exe so that Leo runs in 
a console.
3. Saved the changes to the properties

*Leo Log WindowLeo 5.0b2, build 20141117141110, Mon Nov 17 14:11:10 CST 
2014Not running from a git repoPython 3.4.2, PyQt version 5.3.2Windows 7 
AMD64 (build 6.1.7601) SP1*


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