Attached is MacroTest.leo, which produced the following under Leo 4.11a1, 
build 5020 running on (uname -a) Linux bob-VirtualBox 3.2.0-23-generic 
#36-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 10 20:39:51 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux.

This output occurred when the node Parameterized Nodes was selected and 
Parameterized Section Reference clicked under the Outline menu.

Leo Log Window
Leo 4.11a1, build 5020, 2012-02-26 13:18:08 -0600
Python 2.7.3, qt version 4.8.1
reading: /home/rshanley/h/MacroTest.leoreading settings in 

reading settings in 
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x3f7e2e0>
parameterize no match u''

save-file-as: Wed Dec  3 13:13:11 2014wrote recent file: 

saved: MacroTest.leo

For Leo 5, the same steps described above produced the behavior described 
in the initial post.

On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:43:58 PM UTC-6, bobS wrote:
> Test Parameterized Nodes
> A
>    body text: << meow ( purrrrr, zzooooot ) >>
> B
>    body text: << meow ( spit, necessary ) >>
> Parameterized Nodes
>    << Meow >>
>       body text: I mmmm sooo happy I could << 1$ >>.
>                      But I don't know if I have all the << 2$ >>
>                      money.
> When I click on Parameterize Section Reference in the Outline menu, I get:
> exception executing command
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/home/rshanley/Leo5.0-final/leo/core/", line 556, in 
> doCommand
>     val = command(event)
>   File "/home/rshanley/Leo5.0-final/leo/plugins/", line 111, in 
> parameterize
>     sr = s = body.getAllText()
> AttributeError: 'LeoQtBody' object has no attribute 'getAllText'
> PyQt4 is installed.

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Attachment: MacroTest.leo
Description: Binary data

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