Here are my present plans for the coming year:

1. Continue to support Leo.

Leo is my life's work, and I'll support Leo as long as I am able. I am 
grateful to Terry and others for their ongoing support work.  Leo will be 
in good hands after I am gone.

2. Look for new juicy problems.

At present, I know of no projects that can significantly increase what Leo 
can do.  In this sense, Leo 5.0 marks the completion of Leo.

This is quite an opportunity: it's an invitation to learn technologies that 
I have neglected.  As a first step, I've been learning more about servers 
and web technologies.

Here are some possible new directions for Leo:

1. Make Leo a web app.  I doubt this would add significantly to Leo's 
capabilities or market share.  This might change if, for example, git 
became a web app...

2. Make Leo a window into databases.  This is a half-formed idea, based on 
using clones as windows into data.

3. Add type checks and/or design checks into Leo.  This is blue sky.  Imo, 
pylint is good enough, and it's not clear what use better type checking 
would be.  Integrating design checks into outlines might be more 

4. A "smallish" project might be surprisingly important.  A better diff for 
outlines might replace, or augment, @shadow trees.  On my walks on the 
Naples beach I saw that the key problem in collaboration with Leo is the 
interaction of Leonine users with non-Leonine users.  @shadow is 
inflexible: a better diff would give Leonine users better choices when 
dealing with changes made by non-Leonine users.

Enough for now.  I wanted you to know that I may be doing more studying and 
exploring this year than in other years.


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