> P.S. A nit.  I dislike "ok and" pattern.  For example, I would rewrite 
> is_assign_to this way:

I don't mind your way of rewriting it. I used it just because I didn't know 
in advance all checks that need to be fulfilled, and `ok = ok and ...` 
 gave me opportunity to put trace between any two and see what was the 
reason that some function returned False. Also, at some point I can use `ok 
= ok or ....`.

I am glad that you liked this approach.  If I knew more precisely what data 
you want to have after second pass, I would go for it.

I didn't like the Type class. It can be replaced with named or even 
ordinary tuple. I couldn't find that you have instantiated it anywhere with 
last two optional arguments. Also it defines method `__eq__`, but it is 
never used (or I didn't find usage). It looks as if you thought it would be 
needed, but until it is really needed it just consumes brain power.

I don't like too many tracing code to be left inside code. It consumes a 
lot brain cycles  to read it and it hides real effective code. For example: 
all methods do_... take as an argument regex match and then again they 
throwaway input argument and compute same match once again. You said that 
patterns are defined where they are used, but it seems to me, that it was 
the case at some earlier stage, and now it is not the case. It is not as 
obvious mostly due to the presence of tracing code. If you turn on all of 
the traces I believe it would produce so much output that it would be 
challenging to read and understand traces. IMHO, traces should be always on 
while debugging one or two functions, but as soon as debugging is over, I 
would delete traces. For me it is much easier to delete and retype them 
even ten times if necessary than to read them all the time. Typing-in code 
is much cheaper than studying it.

I still don't know how you plan to resolve names to types. I see relatively 
straightforward way to check and find the error in given example code, but 
I don't see how it can be relevant for other cases? Python 3.6 has added 
support for type annotations. Maybe that is the best way to define and 
check type conventions. When I ran my code on whole Leo code base I was 
puzzled by the fact that there is just a few places where pattern c.<ivar> 
= self is used. 
Notes-->@file ../doc/leoAttic.txt-->Unused code-->Static type checking...

As you can see under 'Unused code'. How useful would be leoCheck in the 
end? Hopefully, I am missing something.

If you have a concrete data structure that would allow type checking, and 
that you can share (even if it is hand written for simple code example), I 
would be glad to further develop my prototype for extracting all required 
data from source code in a format that you need. 


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