Don't panic.  Note the word "might" in the title.

Before going further, please look at the Why Atom? 
<> page. It 
would also be good to install atom 
and read Atom Basics 
<> page.  
Make sure to try Shift-Ctrl-P :-)

The atom editor deserves serious consideration as a "hosting platform" for 
Leo's technology, for at least the following reasons:

- Afaik, atom does everything it has *in common* with Leo significantly 
better than Leo does.  That includes installing plugins and themes, 
managing the screen, search/replace, basic settings, minibuffer interface, 
syntax coloring, auto-completion, support for git, rendering markdown, 
IPython/Jupyter support, etc. Atom might win the "most cool features" award 
among all text editors and ide's.

- Atom has superb docs, and is significantly easier for newbies to use than 

- Atom is "going places".  Atom has a large user base and many active devs. 
Atom boasts hundreds of plugins, including:

hydrogen <>: Adds IPython-like features 
and was inspired by Light Table, with similar features. Another post will 
discuss how this might be adapted to form the basis of a Leo plugin for 
Atom. This apparently replaces the jupyter-notebook plugin.

remote-edit <>: Supports browsing and 
editing remote files using FTP and SFTP.

This page <> 
lists all atom plugins, sorted by most downloads.

- Atom is a desktop App. From the Why Atom? 
<> page:

"Web browsers are great for browsing web pages, but writing code is a 
specialized activity that warrants dedicated tools. More importantly, the 
browser severely restricts access to the local system for security reasons, 
and for us, a text editor that couldn't write files or run local 
subprocesses was a non-starter."

- Atom uses the *latest* version of the Chrome rendering engine.  From the Why 
Atom? <> 

"Another great benefit [of Atom] is the guarantee that it's running on the 
newest version of Chromium. That means we can ignore issues like browser 
compatibility and polyfills. *We can use all the web's shiny features of 
tomorrow, today*."

- Atom plays well with C++ (or Python): From the Why Atom? 
<> page:

"Interacting with native code is also really simple. For example, we wrote 
a wrapper around the Oniguruma regular expression engine for our TextMate 
grammar support. In a browser, that would have required adventures with 
NaCl or Esprima. Node integration made it easy."


Atom has virtually everything, *except* those features that make Leo what 
it is, namely scripting *in Python,* scripting API, clones, access to 
outline data, @clean, etc. We might delegate everything else to atom ;-)

The big question is, can Leo remain Leo when hosted on atom?  I believe the 
answer is yes.  The hydrogen <> package 
hints at the way forward.  More details in another post or two.

My next prototype will be an atom plugin, following this excellent tutorial 

All comments welcome.


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