On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 8:04 PM, Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems to me that many python-based systems could be run in a Leo
> process, which would give access to their internal APIs.  The challenge
> would be to get their input and output into Leo cells.
> For non-python systems, in some cases there could be a python wrapper that
> handles communication (i.e., the Leo Bridge could be wrapped to communicate
> with a node.js server, just as an example, though that goes in the opposite
> direction from what I am thinking of).
> To go this route, one challenge would be to abstract the new parts so that
> they can be adapted to new systems as easily as possible, without having to
> rewrite existing code (except of course for the adapters and wrappers).

​All this seems in line with my thinking, which is quite fuzzy at present.


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