A recent commit fixed the box problem. But I am still struggling with how 
to source images other than "open" and "close".

It looks great with the correct boxes.


On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 9:53:31 AM UTC-8, Chris George wrote:
> Where do I get to choose the boxes?
>> ​There are two settings: For the Leo Dark theme they are:
>> @string tree-image-closed = nodes-dark/triangles/closed.png
>> @string tree-image-open = nodes-dark/triangles/open.png
>> I think these paths are relative to the leo/Icons folder.  *But let's 
>> not guess*.
>> Searching for tree-image-closed finds ssm.set_indicator_paths & helper.  
>> Here is the docstring:
>> '''
>>     In the stylesheet, replace (if they exist)::
>>         image: @tree-image-closed
>>         image: @tree-image-open
>>     by::
>>         url(path/closed.png)
>>         url(path/open.png)
>>     path can be relative to ~ or to leo/Icons.
>>     Assuming that ~/myIcons/closed.png exists, either of these will work::
>>         @string tree-image-closed = nodes-dark/triangles/closed.png
>>         @string tree-image-closed = myIcons/closed.png
>>     Return the updated stylesheet.
>> '''
> I have verified that this works fine if the folder is in my home directory 
> (not a great place for theme images IMHO) or in leo/Icons (also not a great 
> place for theme images IMHO) Putting them in then in 
> *.../leo/themes/<theme_name>/Icons 
> *doesn't work and this is the only place where theme images should live 
> IMHO. Having more than one place to look is extremely valuable for 
> settings. But it can lead to madness for people looking to create or modify 
> themes.
> I have attached two screenshots to clarify. abstract.png is an example of 
> correct behavior. nb. All theme images should be svg. Raster formats look 
> like crap when you resize them. 
>         @string tree-image-closed = dark/branch_closed.svg
>         @string tree-image-closed = dark/branch_open.svg
> These settings are read, inserted and applied. The triangle images are 
> correctly displayed. Here is the css that works with it.
> QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children{
>     image: @tree-image-closed;
> }
> QTreeView::branch:open:has-children{
>     image: @tree-image-open;
> }
>  The second image is direct.png. It shows the total loss of triangles in 
> the tree. Here is the css.
> TreeView::branch:closed:has-children{
>     image: url(:dark/branch_closed.svg);
> }
> QTreeView::branch:open:has-children{
>     image: url(:dark/branch_open.svg);
> }
> The css passes the checks, the images simply do not display.
> Looking at the full stylesheet, the color_theme machinery returns the 
> following for the abstract.png css.
> QTreeView::branch:closed:has-children{
> image: url(/home/chris/leo-editor/leo/Icons/dark/branch_closed.svg);
> }
> QTreeView::branch:open:has-children{
> image: url(/home/chris/leo-editor/leo/Icons/dark/branch_open.svg);
> }
> The script replaces dark/branch_open.svg with the full path to the image. 
> It seems that direct coding of the stylesheet won't work for any other 
> images than the two; open and closed. I tried creating a new definition in 
> the same node as the @string statements, but it didn't work. Creating the 
> smae abstraction for every single new image we want to use in the 
> stylesheet would be tedious. 
> For ease of use (themers and users) is there a different mechanism we 
> could use for replacing the path to leo when appending to the provided path 
> relative to leo/themes/<theme_name>? For example: the default Qt styling 
> uses the format
> url(:/<theme>/<image>);
> Note the leading "/". 
> If we could support this syntax, it would make modifying existing Qt 
> themes much, much simpler. 
> These two settings might also be involved:
>> @bool color_theme_is_dark = True
>> @string color_theme = leo_dark_0
>> Again, *let's not guess*.
>> *@bool color_theme_is_dark*: I found nothing for a regex search for 
>> color.theme.is.dark.
>> I was about to disable it, but its body text contains:
>>     Set to true for dark themes, so bookmarks.py can generate
>>     random background colors which are appropriate etc.
> As for the boxes, I still have white boxes in the tree. The directory 
> .../leo/themes/dark exists and contains the desired boxes. The undesirable 
> boxes *do not exist *on my local machine. I have disconnected my network. 
> I must assume that the white boxes I am seeing are Qt defaults that are 
> part of Qt and are appearing because the desired boxes cannot be found.
>    @bool color_theme_is_dark = True
>    @string color_theme = dark
>> *@string color_theme*: A cff on the regex color.theme yields 5 matches, 
>> including qt_gui.getImageImage. The docstring is:
>> '''Load the image in file named `name` and return it.
>>     If self.color_theme, set from @settings -> @string color_theme is set,
>>      - look first in $HOME/.leo/themes/<theme_name>/Icons,
>>      - then in .../leo/themes/<theme_name>/Icons,
>>      - then in .../leo/Icons,
>>      - as well as trying absolute path
>>  '''
>> Its helper also has the same docstring ;-)
>> *Summary*: The truth is out there if we look.
>> HTH.
>> Edward

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