On Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 9:03:36 PM UTC-4, Jeff R. wrote:
> For this, I think Leo, through the use of clones, would be well suited. 
> But doing that is itself a huge project. Orgmode has been built 
> collectively for many years, and it would be very difficult to build a 
> version of it that would draw away an experienced emacs user. If done well, 
> it would also attract new users. If really well, that plus python might do 
> it. 

There is an important point here, org-mode is kind of an emacs within 
emacs. It's drowning in "organization" features, which is what many people 
reference when they talk about org. Leo does have some plug-ins that 
probably fill in some of the gaps. I think issue 1228  
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1228>has the potential to 
start creating some legitimate comparisons between the two tools.

> If I could do this with python, and write code that takes effect 
> immediately and channges functionality in real time, I would love
> that. I have no idea whether this is how Leo is, or whether this is 
> common, etc.

This is a long standing point of conversation in this community. It's a 
little harder to pull this off in the way emacs does it. Don't forget that 
emacs/elisp uses global scoping/namespace by default. Because everything in 
the program is visible and modifiable by any piece of code it makes it 
super easy to "customize". Scoping and namespaces are much more controlled 
and isolated in Python and so any kind of "live" customization has to be 
intentionally built into a program's structure.

> Emacs also does an excellent job of exposing its documentation. For 
> example, if you want to see the value of a variable and documentation for 
> it, you press C-h v, and then you'll be prompted for the varialbes name, 
> and the results can be searched through with fuzzy matching. The same can 
> be done with functions with C-h f. You can also navigate to the source 
> code, which shows the source, and all callers and callees. 

This is a great point and one I often forget about but use ~400 times a 
day.  Honestly, I don't think I could use emacs without this. A built-in 
documentation/help system would go a long way in Leo's accessibility. 

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