On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 8:00 AM john lunzer <lun...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think emacs and pharo are extremely similar in scope. That is to say in
> both cases you can (and are intended to) spend close to 100% of your time
> within the computing environment. In emacs the features that help
> facilitate this are dired, vc/magit, and term/shell-commands.
> I spend an enormous amount of my time in dired because it's just so well
> integrated into the rest of emacs. [snip]]
> vc/magit/diff-hl and other features make version control seamless and
> mostly painless. [snip]

> Leo is very much like Org. I use Org more like a Jupyter Notebook than
> anything else. What I utilize most is Org-babel. [snip] Leo does quite a
> bit of what Org does already, they just do things differently.

> If Leo had a multi-node body pane which reflected the indented
> structure/view shown in the tree pane then it would function more similarly
> to Org-mode than it does now. [snip].

Many thanks for these comments.   One of my goals for Leo is for it to have
all the features in this discussion of emacs
<https://realpython.com/emacs-the-best-python-editor/>. I am not going to
rewrite Leo in elisp.  Instead, I'm going to write the appropriate parts of
emacs in python.  Or use Almar Klein's code ;-)


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