On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 2:32 PM Jeff R. <jrfilipov...@gmail.com> wrote:

I do not know whether I am remotely close to the intended audience for Leo,
> but I can say that Leo does not feel far from the type of tool I would use
> on a regular basis.

Heh.  I think your interest suffices to make you one of the target audience.

I am also constantly working on a book of research on my areas of practice
> (constitutional law). My practice area is  academic. In this arena, Leo is
> superior to orgmode, due mostly to the use of clones. With my subject area
> it is impossible to create an outline that does not make heavy use of
> clones if it is being efficient. And clones make the outline so much more
> clear and easy to work though. But I can’t justify using a second text
> editor for this because orgmode is good enough for this purpose (and can be
> customized to whatever extent needed). But there are other things I like
> about Leo (python over elisp, for example) that still make me long to be
> able to make it a centerpiece of my workflow.

There is never any reason to apologize for using multiple editors.

Beyond orgmode, I find that Emacs is much more inviting to customization.

> While I think python is a much more powerful and useful language, my
> impression is that Leo does not create such an inviting environment (in
> terms of inviting and enabling users to customize the text editing
> experience) by comparison. It is very possible that I simply have not
> looked deep enough, or know enough about python to know how to do all of
> the things elisp brings to the surface (buffer movement commands, commands
> like save-excursion, save-restriction, buffer switching, font-locking,
> etc.).

It's easy to *customize* existing Leonine features, which includes many
emacs features.  However, adding missing features would require more work.
Please consider requesting particular emacs-like features.  For example, I
have no idea what save-restriction or font-locking do.

So, the short answer is that I really need orgmode or a viable replacement
> for it, and I recognize that this is well outside of Leo’s mission, hence
> my question about Leo inside emacs.

Many thanks for these comments.  All Leo devs rely on newcomers for new
perspectives.  Otherwise, we stick pretty much to our to-do lists :-)


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