> I have one specific question: Can I have a Leo file appear as a 
> headline in another Leo file, so I can hotkey the headline and have the 
> separate file appear? If so, can I assume I can get infinite 
> "drilldown?" It would be great to have a "master" Leo file from which I 
> can get to other Leo files, directly or indirectly. 

You can get partway there using Uniform Node Location (UNL) links,

For example put something like this in headline or body and ctrl-2x-click 
on it:


The draw back is that they must be full path (it doesn't take into account 
any @path statements you might have in the current branch).

[later] After reading http://leoeditor.com/slides/plugins.html#unl-py I see 
there is also @url for use in headlines. It's smart enough to open a 
specific node, not just the file


I'm not sure what the relationship is between these two forms.

There was a lot of discusion a few years ago on "cross file links" that 
might yield other gems.


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