A draft of my 'user's story', in hopes it gives a glimpse of how I see the 
system playing out.  Much is left out of this draft; I just intend it to 
give a flavor.

On Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 1:30:36 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 10:30:26 PM UTC-5, andyjim wrote:
>> Thomas, tell me if this is an inappropriate suggestion, but I wonder if 
>> this thread has pretty much played out its level of pertinence and interest 
>> to the Leo community, since it's not directly about Leo and may be on a 
>> subject of limited interest here.  Given your own zettelkasten-like program 
>> and your interest in knowledge and semantic processing, and your direct 
>> questions to me about my ideas (I'm working on it), would it be appropriate 
>> for us to continue the discussion by email?  That would be much easier for 
>> me, but if not appropriate I'll continue here, though this thread waxes 
>> long now and I feel I don't function well in a forum venue.  
> I've been wondering the same thing.  Trouble is, if we use email, it's 
> just us, and we miss out on other people's  thinking.  We could set up a 
> whole new Google group, but I'd like to keep the discussion in the Leo 
> context if we can do so - would you agree?  And it's clear that there is 
> some degree of interest, as we see from @Xavier's post.
> What I'm thinking is to open a new thread in the Leo group - and to keep 
> opening new threads when and as one gets too long to work with.  Just now, 
> we're wrestling with what we really want to accomplish and how it ought to 
> work, and it would make sense to open a new thread on requirements and 
> concept of operation (this could include your narratives).  How's this 
> sound to everyone? 
> I've gone beyond the requirements I posted a few days ago, and tried to 
> come up with a note format that
>    1. Can be typed and read easily;
>    2. Can be processed by software easily;
>    3. Could be used in a paper Zettelkasten if one really had to do that;
>    4. The system could export note files in this format without too much 
>    difficulty;
>    5. Contains most of the essential information, so that the software 
>    could reconstruct the entire zettelkasten just from these notes if need be 
>    (possibly with a small amount of information loss);
> I think I've gotten most of this.  The main things I haven't worked out so 
> far are links to other notes that might be embodied right in the text of 
> the note (if we really want these). and similarly how links to other 
> non-text media would be captured in the zettel.  There is no end of ways 
> these things could be done, and my interest is in coming up with something 
> that is especially easy to type and read.
> Why my emphasis on typing the zettels?  Because the alternative is to use 
> some software system that tries to "help" you.  Now we'll certainly want 
> something like that as an option, but having to use a number of select or 
> drop-down lists or whatnot all the time really interferes with one's flow.  
> Straight typing is better where possible.
> In my concept of operations, one would be able to type into a new zettel - 
> either in a Leo node or even in a separate file - and then the system would 
> hook it up based on the info you typed.  Later, the system would help you 
> change, add to, or update the references;  you could do that when you 
> weren't so involved with the thoughts you were typing.

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