> > On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 11:55:38 AM UTC-5, stevelitt wrote: 
> > > The thread you started long ago moved away from the preceding 
> > > desire. Your preceding desire should be very easy to accomplish 
> > > using the same method VimOutliner accomplished it: Use executable 
> > > lines. Somewhere on a headline, or as a direct child of a headline, 
> > > have a command to view the external file, so that if you hotkey the 
> > > headline, it runs the command and pulls up the file. 
I've actually gotten some text files into Leo, whole folders full (365 per 
folder), by multi-select, drag/drop. Each forms a node, which I think is 
probably going to turn out best. 

> From the preceding, I assume all the information is not within the same 
> directory tree, so you can't just roll it into a tarball. And if it 
> isn't already in Leo, it sounds like you don't yet have an inventory of 
> all this information. If this is indeed the situation, you have a 
> challenge: A very interesting one. Please feel free to contact me 
> offlist for the parts of the situation not involving Leo: If the 
> situation is what I think it is, it's very interesting and common 
> situation whose solution isn't trivial. 
> I PM'd you Steve, but it does not seem to go through. I'd be happy to be 
> in touch with you for your suggestions.  


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