On Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 10:11:51 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> I will attach my zettelkasten outline in another post as a guide to 
> creating a structure that works on its own and also with the bookmarks 
> manager.

Attached is the Leo file for my little zettelkasten.  It includes @settings 
nodes for the commands and keyboard shortcuts for inserting the node id and 

The structure uses *@path* nodes to create directories.  When you run the 
rst3 command on the tree, it will create a directory tree in the file 
system that matches the structure of the Leo outline.  The bookmark manager 
uses this directory structure to build its internal data structures linking 
different parts of the outline together.  This procedure also gives you the 
ability to export the files if you should ever want to move to some other 

So the* @path* directives are only needed if you plan to make use of the 
bookmark manager (when I get it ready for use).  Otherwise, you would still 
want those nodes, but they wouldn't have to have the *@path* directives.  
Ultimately my plan is to use them with a Leo plugin to do the kind of 
linking I currently do in the bookmark manager.  So it would be wise to 
include the organizing nodes, and to give them meaningful titles. And even 
without the behind-the-scenes data structures, they will still be useful 
for searching in the *Nav* tab.

The @rst directives are only needed for using the *rst3* command. But I 
think that's worthwhile.

Oh, and here is a command to open Explorer (Windows only) at the directory 
of the path of the current outline.  It's very useful for getting to those 
directories you just made with *rst3*.

from subprocess import Popen
cmd = 'explorer.exe .'

Put this into the body of an @button node, press the *script-button* 
button, and you will have a button to open the directory.

The script could be modified for linux, but details would depend on which 
linux flavor you are using.

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Attachment: zettelkasten.leo
Description: Binary data

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