On Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 11:05:32 PM UTC-5, Thomas Passin wrote:
> Granted, you can't easily get a listing of all the tags - until we have a 
> zettelkasten plugin that can create one - but you could maintain a zettel 
> that only contains the tag names. It would be almost as good.

I'm still wondering exactly how Luhmann's indexing played out.  With 90k 
zettels it must have been efficient and effective indeed, for him to use 
the system so productively.  Seems like there's a whole layer (maybe more 
than one layer) of his system that we don't know enough about.  It seems 
like we might need to innovate something here.

> I am unsure, though, whether to allow more than one link per line.  One 
> link per line would be easier to write the code for, yet more than one 
> would be easier to author and would reduce the visual clutter.

Personally I very much favor one link per line.
One of the types of links I'm very interested in is what I've called 
'pointers', which is a poor term for what I mean. In addition to links to 
related zettels the notion of questions or germs of ideas for further 
thought is, I think, exceedingly creativity inducing.  The example in the 
format we saw I-forget-where appealed to me. The ideas/questions for 
further work followed after the body text (because the ideas were 
stimulated by the content of the text) and they would automatically create 
new zettels, which in turn could be indexed somehow so that, in a spare 
moment we can be stimulated by 'ideas to pursue'. The term 'pointers' came 
to mind meaning 'this points to another path to be investigated', but I'm 
sure there's a better term. In other uses of the system (besides notes), 
there could be other uses for such links; further work needing done on this 
part of a project, memo to self regarding a birthday, a book I'm interested 

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