
I also use the set of shortcuts Tomas has proposed. I've also never had 
inconsistencies with ctrl+i for insertion.

About promote/demote :  yeah..... :/ ...I've also never used the shortcuts 
because ctrl+{ nor ctrl+} work for me. (pyqt/tlcTk must use the ascii code 
instead of the keyboard scancode I dunno )

Also - I never know what those do... There should be a label beside or 
underneath in the menu that states "Promotes childs of the selected node" 
or "Promotes the selected by demoting its children" to make it clear what 
is promoted / demoted and what stays...  as its ambivalent...  always have 
to try it , undo, realize I wanted the other one... (with a node being 
selected, calling a command "promote" or  "demote", only, has an unclear 

On Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 9:40:49 AM UTC-4, Thomas Passin wrote:
> You are so right about this.  I use Leo  a lot, and as you say, I have 
> worked out ways to work with it.  But I don't know about many basic things 
> because I haven't encountered the right bit of documentation.  For example, 
> I didn't know that <INSERT> would insert a new node.
> Because Leo can do so many things, and has so many commands, it's hard to 
> know how to write useful HELP material.  After one has used it for some 
> time, it gets, as you say, hard to realize that a new user may not be able 
> to find the things you do all the time.  On top of that, documentation is 
> spread around through various places.
> As for Leo unpredictably opening one file or another on startup, I have 
> never experienced that.  When I first started using Leo, it automatically 
> created and opened workbook.leo, and since I leave it opened, it's always 
> there.  I first used it back in version 4.something and we're now at 6.2.x, 
> but I think it still works that way.  So something quirky is happened for 
> you.  Maybe someone else knows about it.
> If you haven't tried yet, configuration can be awful unless you find the 
> exact string to add or change, and its location, because someone else 
> published it somewhere.
> Despite these problems, I have found Leo so good to work with that I have 
> been willing to live with its HELP and configuration weaknesses.  
> Personally, I think that we - the Leo community - should take on a project 
> to produce at least a good introductory HELP system.  There are several 
> documents, but as you have clearly told us, they aren't up to the job.  The 
> trouble is, the work would take a lot of time and effort, and isn't very 
> interesting to most people.  Of those who pass those filters, few of them 
> are able to re-create what it's like to be a beginner, and to know how to 
> organize the material to be highly helpful.
> These difficulties aren't unique to Leo, of course.  You should hear my 
> Significant Other complain about the LibreOffice word processor, since it 
> sometimes works differently from Word.  But Leo's outline machinery works 
> so differently from what most people are used to that it may be harder for 
> them to get started.  If you can get past this newbie period, you may find 
> (like I did) that Leo is worth it.
> Here are the commands that I use for basic Leo operations on the outline - 
> I learned them from the Outline Menu:
> - For inserting a node, I always use <CNTRL-I>.  This always puts the new 
> node just under whichever node is already selected in the outline.
> - For moving a node, I always use <CTRL-u> for UP, CNTRL-d for DOWN.
> - For moving a node sideways, I use <CNTRL-r> for RIGHT (i.e., indenting 
> it: making it a child node of the one above), <CNTRL-l> for LEFT.
> - For copying a node, I would use <CNTRL-SHIFT-C> but it doesn't work on 
> my keyboard (a new wireless Logitech) so I resort to using the Outline menu.
> - For pasting a copied node, I use <CNTRL-SHIFT-V>, which my keyboard is 
> willing to emit.
> On Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 5:44:09 AM UTC-4, Vedran Čačić wrote:
>> I really want to use Leo. I think the premise is great. However, I think 
>> the interface has so many pitfalls for beginners, and since you all 
>> probably use Leo for a long time, you don't really see it. I've been 
>> struggling with it for a week already.
>> First, when I start Leo, sometimes it opens the default document (with 
>> the help), sometimes it opens the last opened one, and sometimes it just 
>> opens new document. I still haven't been able to see when each of these 
>> happens.
>> Second, inserting nodes. Yes, I know I can press Insert. But whether it 
>> will insert new root node or a child of already selected one (or even a 
>> child of last node) seems simply random. And of course, according to 
>> Murphy, it's always the action that I don't want. :-/
>> Third, moving nodes. I still don't understand what Promote and Demote 
>> does, not to mention that on my keyboard Ctrl+{ and Ctrl+} doesn't work (it 
>> probably works only on US keyboard). I really think there should be an easy 
>> way to move the nodes around, after all it seems like a main feature of Leo.
>> Fourth, help is abysmal. None of the above things I could find in help. 
>> Example: I press F1, and get (it's not even copy-pasteable?!):
>> Alt-0 hide this message (ok, that's nice to know)
>> To learn about <Alt-X> commands... sorry, I don't know whether I want to 
>> learn about <Alt-X> commands. I don't know what <Alt-X> command _is_, 
>> anyway. I just want to move a node under another one.
>> To get a list of help topics... great, I think. I type <Alt-X>help-<tab>, 
>> and get a list with only three items, none of which is relevant. Only afer 
>> a long time, I notice the scrollbar - the contrast is almost nonexistent. 
>> :-/ And yes, I find help-for-drag-and-drop, click on it, and... nothing 
>> happens. Oh, I have to type it again? Ok, but why? Couldn't this work the 
>> same way as the outline?
>> And after all that, I get (again, un-copy-pasteable) "you may drag 
>> nodes". Yes, I know I can drag them, that's the first thing I tried. The 
>> problem is, it almost never works. Sometimes I get a child of the node I 
>> dragged to, sometimes I get its sibling. And sometimes it doesn't work at 
>> all. The nodes just stay where they are.
>> Other help options are the same as "Alt-X" above... they pressupose a lot 
>> of knowledge about Leo I don't already have. For example, how to find about 
>> inserting nodes? It's not mentioned anywhere that I see. I got lucky with 
>> Insert key, but as can be seen above, I'm still not sure what exactly it 
>> does.
>> If you really want Leo to be used by new users, you have to work on this. 
>> Maybe just help needs to be reworked, now it seems like a reference. Maybe 
>> my mindset is wrong... I have never really used Emacs, and the interface is 
>> obviously based on it. :-/

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