Yes, that's so, and I understand that web assemblies are basically a Google 
effort to do that.

On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 11:20:12 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> You're giving technology and standards too much credit. Corporations are 
> going to create closed systems and implement data hiding no matter the 
> tools they have at hand and they're going to continue to do it mercilessly 
> unless socially/culturally disincentivized to do so. Web assemblies will 
> not meaningfully alter their plans or the outcome of those plans. 
> On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 8:41:03 AM UTC-4 
> wrote:
>> I am so opposed to webassemblies that I don't want to work on them.  Web 
>> assemblies if widespread will encourage the trend towards breaking the web 
>> by making URLs meaningless, and will promote more closed silos and data 
>> hiding.  I do see that they could be very good in non-web use, but that's 
>> not enough for me to want to help it all happen.
>> On Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 7:59:08 AM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:
>>> As part of my "what's next for Leo" project, I decided to check in on 
>>> what's new with webassembly. Here is my google trail:
>>> webAssembly:
>>> non-web Embeddings (because Leo doesn't run on the web): 
>>> WebAssembly High-level goals: From the 
>>> table I found...
>>> wasmer:
>>> wasmtime:
>>> I had heard of neither wasmer nor wasmtime before.
>>> The last link is the jackpot. Please take a look at Lin Clark's video. 
>>> The video doesn't waste your time. Instead, it pulls you along and invites 
>>> you to study more deeply. There is a ton of stuff I don't know here. 
>>> Following all the breadcrumbs might be a good way to become an experienced 
>>> web developer. I'll be studying her blog posts next. 
>>> Edward

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