Hello Felix,

Am Mi., 29. Sept. 2021 um 07:03 Uhr schrieb Félix <felixgra...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks Viktor for trying out leoInteg! BTW I've just released 1.0.2 which
> fixes some 'rough edges' which will now help with basic usage - but I've
> also noticed the command naming may need a little cleanup too.
> So I guess your comment about naming of commands comes at the right time !
> :)
> *>Why did you decide to change this name?*
> First of all, I think the level at which you refer to the concept of
> 'commands' is from the 'Leo minibuffer' accessed normally with alt-x right?


I guess so, because I have not added any 'indent' related commands to
> vscode itself. See the list of commands I added to vscode via U.I. or
> [ctrl+shift+P] palette here:
> https://github.com/boltex/leointeg/blob/master/src/constants.ts#L518 (the
> block starting at line 518)
> So for the commands available through the Leo minibuffer (alt+x) which I
> carried over to vscode in a manner similar to the command palette itself
> (ctrl+shift+P) have their total list gathered from Leo by a method that
> Edward wrote, that gets the list of all commands normally available through
> the Leo's minibuffer.

I'll look into this list.

*>Same question in a more general way: Which approach did you take with
> offering all/ most Leo commands using the same - or - a different name?*
>  It is then filtered with the help of 'good_command' / 'bad_command'
> lists. See
> https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/blob/master/leo/core/leoserver.py#L1704
> for those two lists of banned/white-listed commands. This process was a bit
> rushed, and not very much tough of deeply *so careful revision of those 2
> lists is needed!* (Also, leointeg tries to spot commands that need user
> input -not all have been tested/stable - see last block starting at
> line698:
> https://github.com/boltex/leointeg/blob/master/src/constants.ts#L698 )
> About some of those commands that manipulate body text, like indent
> region, the vscode version of the functionality is preferred and the Leo
> equivalent command is not visible nor available by choice.
> As a workaround, for text-editing functionality, try ctrl+shift+P, which
> opens vscode's equivalence of leo's minibuffer to 'quickly find' any
> command from vscode 'normal' list of commands to perform a
> 'body-pane-editing' task.
> All other commands not-related to text-editing (what vscode already does
> as a simple text editor) are meant to be exposed.
> So please do signal any commands that you still think are missing. Or that
> you think are misplaced in leointeg's minibuffer 'good'/'bad' command
> filter lists!
> Testing, suggestions and comments are very much appreciated!  Thanks again
> Victor! :)

Thanks a lot for your feedback ! - I'll continue to provide feedback &
questions concerning my LeoInteg experience here ...


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