On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 10:27:29 AM UTC-5 tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

I sent this to Edward, who asked me to repost it here.  It's about screen 
> shots of the old ancestor to GF4, still running in a DOSBOX virtual DOS 
> machine.

Here is a copy of my private reply to Thomas:

Youngsters have no idea what programming life was like in the "horse and 
buggy" days 40 or 50 years ago:

- Feeble hardware.
- Feeble programming tools: We worked in assembler or C.
  No git, python, numpy, matplotlib and leo.
- No internet! No google, github and online communities!

40 or 50 years ago the challenges were way different, but we had the same 
kind of engineering fun seeing what was possible.


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