@paolomi has requested that Leo's user's home directory be moved - on Linux 
- from the location it has always had to a new one.  The current location 
is ~/.leo.  @paolomi thinks it should not be in ~/ so as to reduce clutter 
in the user's home directory.  Existing installations would not be changed. 
The issue for the request is XDG Base Directory on Linux #3213 

If we followed the Linux XDG guidelines closely, configuration-related data 
would go into ~/.config, and other contents of .leo would go into various 
other folders, one of which would be ~/.local/share.  Windows locations 
would continue to have the directory where it has always been: 

I think that splitting up the contents of the current .leo folder into 
several others would add complication and confusion.  OTOH, I agree with 
the desire to reduce clutter in one's home directory.  So I am agreeable to 
changing the future location of the user's leo directory to 
~/.local/share/leo, and so is @poalomi.  @edward has not expressed an 
opinion yet.  Once again, all current installations would be unchanged.

Before this change gets made I'd like to see what other Linux users think 
we should do if anything.  On Macs, I do not anticipate making a change.  
For scripters, the variable under consideration is *g.app.homeLeoDir*.  
Please chime in with your thoughts and suggestions.

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