Thanks for your  thoughts, Felix.  XDG is one of those not-quite-standards 
that is supposed to promote interoperability and "sane" locations for 
various kinds of system files and others. I'm no expert but it seems to me 
that some major distros follow it less strictly for user locations than 
others. I said I would be agreeable to moving it, but I'm equally agreeable 
to keeping it as it is now.

Some people think than XDG dismembers applications into various directories 
for reasons that made sense when we had small drives but not so much now 
that mass storage is so cheap and abundant.  I don't have enough experience 
to have an informed opinion.  I hope we will hear from others too.

On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 10:29:19 PM UTC-4 Félix wrote:

> For various reasons, I personally would be against this change. 
> Looking at my home folder in Linux (Doesn't feel cluttered to me by 'dot 
> files' probably because most Linux flavor UI's hide files beginning with a 
> dot, so I have to turn 'show invisible' on) 
> [image: Screenshot from 2023-03-25 22-13-08.png]
> I may be wrong, (or right but for the wrong reasons) but Leo seems to me 
> to be important enough to have a (*dot/hidden config*) folder in my home. 
> Seems like a big standard for all those big software packages already in 
> there.
> Although i'm not an expert on linux/home folder standards and that 'XDG' 
> thing, I would wait for way more / better reasons to make this change. If 
> at all. 
> Félix
> (Also, is Macs os not some linux variant?) :)
> On Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 9:36:05 PM UTC-4 wrote:
>> @paolomi has requested that Leo's user's home directory be moved - on 
>> Linux - from the location it has always had to a new one.  The current 
>> location is ~/.leo.  @paolomi thinks it should not be in ~/ so as to reduce 
>> clutter in the user's home directory.  Existing installations would not be 
>> changed. The issue for the request is XDG Base Directory on Linux #3213 
>> <>.
>> If we followed the Linux XDG guidelines closely, configuration-related 
>> data would go into ~/.config, and other contents of .leo would go into 
>> various other folders, one of which would be ~/.local/share.  Windows 
>> locations would continue to have the directory where it has always been: 
>> *%USERPROFILE%\.leo*.
>> I think that splitting up the contents of the current .leo folder into 
>> several others would add complication and confusion.  OTOH, I agree with 
>> the desire to reduce clutter in one's home directory.  So I am agreeable to 
>> changing the future location of the user's leo directory to 
>> ~/.local/share/leo, and so is @poalomi.  @edward has not expressed an 
>> opinion yet.  Once again, all current installations would be unchanged.
>> Before this change gets made I'd like to see what other Linux users think 
>> we should do if anything.  On Macs, I do not anticipate making a change.  
>> For scripters, the variable under consideration is **.  
>> Please chime in with your thoughts and suggestions.

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