There is a perennial problem when one wants to give a  Leo outline to 
someone else.  It happens when an outline contains external files, or 
images to display, or any other data files that might be needed.  For 
example, an article written with the Viewrendered3 plugin in mind, or for a 
Sphinx document, must have its resources available or it cannot work.

If the outline contains @file trees and these external files aren't 
included in, e.g., a zip file, those files will be blank when the recipient 
open the outline.  Yes, one can change the @files to @clean and re-save 
them all.  But that is awkward, and negates the reason for having them be 
@files in the first place.  

Otherwise, one is forced to create a package file - usually a zip file - 
that contains the outline and any required external files and 

Current software, such as LibreOffice or Word, handle this by saving their 
files as archives that contain all the external resources a document 
needs.  I suggest that Leo needs a similar capability.  This would not 
replace the existing Leo file format nor the existing outline save 
commands.  It would add new *Save/Open Archive* commands.

How might this work?  For a save, Leo would check each external file and 
each @rst tree to get their paths, and then compress the external resources 
and at-files into the archive.  For other resources, such as images in, 
say, an *images* directory, An outline could have a new kind of node, 
perhaps with an *@resources* headline, that specifies what subdirectories 
and files to include.  Perhaps there could be more than one *@resources* 
node in the document.

To open an archive, Leo would expand the archive, which would create all 
the directories and files. Then it would load the .leo outline contained in 
the archive.

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