Hi, there,

I am delighted to see that the Leo editor is still under active 
development. The leojs has been a pleasant surprise as well.

After a hiatus of several years, I have returned to using the Leo editor. 
To this day, I have yet to find any software on the market that rivals the 
advanced philosophy embodied by Leo.

Initially, I thought I had forgotten how to use the Leo Editor. However, 
when I found myself in a rush, needing to switch between the Outline and 
main editor window, I instinctively pressed Ctrl-t. I was rather taken 
aback to realize that my muscle memory for Leo was still intact!

I sincerely hope that EKR is well.

I'm currently facing a few issues and hope that someone could provide me 
with some guidance:

1. In version 6.7.3, on MacOS 12, there appears to be an active file bug. I 
have recorded a video to better illustrate the issue. Unfortunately, even 
after updating Leo to version 6.7.4-devel, the bug persists. 
2. Is there a simple method to access the content of a specific `unl://` 
node? I found `core/LeoPyRef.leo#Code-->Core classes-->@file 
leoGlobals.py-->g.Urls & UNLs`, but it doesn't seem to provide the right 
function for my needs. With the help of gpt, I can't get the answer. But it 
is interesting 
<https://gist.github.com/HaveF/f2fbd5f9ee85d2e2d126b6adf67e6882>...maybe we 
need a `getAtNodeFromUNL` function XD

On another note, I've found that pipx <https://github.com/pypa/pipx> is 
more user-friendly than pip. After installing pipx, I can easily use the 
command `pipx install leo`. If I need to add something to the Leo 
environment, I can simply use `pipx inject leo xxx`.

I strongly recommend incorporating pipx into the documentation as an 
alternative to pip.


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