On Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 3:27:38 AM UTC-4 iamap...@gmail.com wrote:


2. Is there a simple method to access the content of a specific `unl://` 
node? I found `core/LeoPyRef.leo#Code-->Core classes-->@file 
leoGlobals.py-->g.Urls & UNLs`, but it doesn't seem to provide the right 
function for my needs. With the help of gpt, I can't get the answer. But it 
is interesting 
<https://gist.github.com/HaveF/f2fbd5f9ee85d2e2d126b6adf67e6882>...maybe we 
need a `getAtNodeFromUNL` function XD

That ChatGPT transcript is entertaining.  It's like a student who has not 
digested its lesson but has to say something in class.  The existing method 
that's most likely to be useful is actually *g.handleUnl()*.  This will 
navigate to the given UNL, opening its outline if needed.

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