I currently only see command paste-retaining-clones. Is this the command 
you are referring to (not paste-node-retaining-clones)?

I presume this is an older command (that I have not knowingly used).

I guess I am still ... nervous is not exactly the right word ... about 
having variants for what I think most users would see as a fundamental, and 
"trivial", operation. But I am trying to keep an open mind...


On Friday, July 7, 2023 at 9:59:49 AM UTC+1 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> #3429 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/3429> suggests 
> that Leo's paste-node command should retain gnxs if doing so would create 
> no gnx clashes in the pasted node.
> Thomas, Félix and I have been debating what *anyGnxClashes *should check. 
> Should it check the entire pasted tree or only its root? Depending on the 
> answer, the paste-node will act like Leo's *legacy *paste-node or 
> paste-node-retaining-clones commands.
> *Aha!* The contents of the target outline don't matter! *What matters is 
> the user's intention*.
> Thomas uses cut-node/pastes-node mostly to move outlines. For him, 
> paste-node-retaining-clones is likely the best binding for ctrl-shift-v.
> But I typically use copy-node/paste-node to cherry-pick outlines from 
> other branches. For me, paste-node is the best binding.
> *Summary*
> When using paste-node, the user won't know what anyGnxClashes will return. 
> That can't be good!
> *Aha*: it *shouldn't matter* what nodes are in the target outline. What 
> matters is whether the user *wants *to regain gnxs!
> Users who regularly use copy-node/paste to move nodes may find it best to 
> bind ctrl-shift-v to paste-nodes-retaining-clones. Perhaps the binding for 
> ctrl-shift-v should change in leoSettings.leo.
> The work on this project has not been in vain. We all now understand more 
> deeply how Leo's paste-node commands affect gnxs.
> Please comment. I'll leave #3429 
> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/3429> open while we 
> continue our discussion.
> Edward

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