On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 9:23:50 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

Leo's VNode class is the heart of Leo. It has a long history. It handles 
clones two orders of magnitude faster than the MORE outliner. All of its 
complications exist for a purpose.

Of course they do.  The situation is something like when one denormalizes 
some database tables.  They "ought" to be normalized, it's good practice to 
normalize them (to at least 3NF) but sometimes for performance reasons one 
doesn't.  But then it can be hard to update all the denormalized tables 
correctly.  I think it's no different with Leo.   As I said, I probably 
don't understand the ins and outs because I'm not familiar with this part 
of the code or its history.

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