sash wrote:

Justin R. Knierim wrote:

There is? You have got to be kidding me. If a person can't use google, they shouldn't even think about attempting LFS.

Seriously... there is and it's not a simple book either.

On second thought, I don't doubt that a book about google exists. I just can't see how it can be so difficult. Even the "advanced search" ( help page on google seems intuitive enough.

I was never taught that. ;) For the most clueless of irc users, I have seen some people tell them LFS is not for them and to learn how to use linux first.

I guess I missed interviewing you because you had a server on the network.... make an appointment will you please?

I haven't heard any complaints about my support and I have been giving it when I can for probably close to a year now. I also disagree with your comment "be silent if they want to toss insults around the channel". IMO, in that case the person should be warned and if they continue, be kicked or banned. I'm not as nice as you are. ;)

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