Chris Staub wrote:
> Chris Staub wrote:
>> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>>> The lists seem a bit too prominent.
>> I don't mind just having a single sentence for listing a couple of
>> dependencies like this, but in a couple instances the list of deps.
>> for a certain package is fairly long. In the case of Coreutils, there
>> are actually several more - I just haven't listed them all yet because
>> I don't want to do too much on this page if I'm not sure I'll be
>> changing the whole format later...
> Or were you saying that the bulleted lists are OK for listing packages
> with a bunch of deps., but there just seem to be too many of them right
> now?

IMO, the list format for dependencies creates too much vertical
whitespace.  If you want to list each package, then a bullet to start
each package would be OK, but the dependencies should be listed
horizontally.  For instance, look at almost any BLFS page at the
Contents section:

Installed Programs: c_rehash, openssl, and openssl_fips_fingerprint
Installed Libraries: libcrypto.[so,a] and libssl.[so,a]
Installed Directories: /etc/ssl and /usr/include/ssl

For a longer list, a little more vertical whitespace between lines
and/or bullets would be ok.

  -- bruce
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