On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 05:36:23PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >  But, given that most LFS (and BLFS) developers think using anything
> > other than x86 is unsupportable, CLFS is the only way to go for other
> > architectures.  
> Ken, That is a little unfair.  I don't know of any LFS or BLFS
> developers that think non-x86 is unsupportable.  We have chosen to keep
> those books x86 only due to the personal preferences, the hardware
> available to them, and a preference of wanting to use the simplest
> instructions possible without IF $arch == 'x' constructs.  We have no
> problems with pointing people to CLFS when it is appropriate.
>   -- Bruce

 If I summarised unfairly, I apologise.  Would you prefer "is
unsupportable by most of the LFS/BLFS editors" ?  This is in the
sense of "not able to be supported", NOT one of the meanings which
drift towards 'indefensible'.

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