Hash: RIPEMD160

Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> 3) Section 5.7, 'Adjusting the Toolchain'. Here's where it gets a
> little fun. But still, easily adapted to fit both situations.
> Somewhere, at the beginning of the book, we set a LINKER (or some
> such) variable, depending on arch. Easily scripted via `uname -m` for
> the sake of accuracy. We also take into account that gcc will make
> use of the /lib64 directory internally, so we account for that, too,
> in our adjusting command. Like so:
>     gcc -dumpspecs | sed "s@/lib[64]*/$LINKER@/tools&@g" \ (etc.)

Just a suggestion: that sed regexp will match more strings than we
intend (but not in this context).  This would work fine too, and would
be more restrictive:

gcc -dumpspecs | sed "s@/lib\(64\)\?/$LINKER@/tools&@g" \ (etc.)

Not that I think it really matters -- what we have will work OK.  It's
just that people may inadvertently start to think that square brackets
tell sed to group things together, when they really delimit character

Unfortunately the "make a group out of "64", and accept zero or one of
them" version is several characters longer due to the backslashes.  That
can be shortened a bit with sed's -r option:

gcc -dumpspecs | sed -r "s@/lib(64)?/$LINKER@/tools&@g" \ (etc.)

but then you're typing in a new "-r" option, so it's pretty much no
different in terms of amount of typing.  ;-)  (It may also require GNU
sed, I'm not sure.)

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