I note, because my PkgUser Book has explicit sections for
unpacking the sources that the vanilla book doesn't, that,
in Chapter 5 GGC Pass2, the order of actions prior to the
creation of the build directory is:

Unpack the required external packages
Change the location of GCC's default dynamic linker
On x86_64 hosts, set the default directory name for 64-bit libraries to “lib”:

however in GCC Pass 2, it's

Create a full version of an internal header
Change the location of GCC's default dynamic linker
On x86_64 hosts, set the default directory name for 64-bit libraries to “lib”:
Unpack the required external packages
Fix a problem introduced by Glibc-2.31

Is there any reason why the required external packages can't be
the first thing done in GCC Pass 2 as well?

Indeed, is there any reason why the ordering in GCC Pass 2
couldn't be:

Unpack the required external packages
Change the location of GCC's default dynamic linker
On x86_64 hosts, set the default directory name for 64-bit libraries to “lib”:
Create a full version of an internal header
Fix a problem introduced by Glibc-2.31

where the two actions not carried out in Pass 1 come
after the three that are?

Given that there is no reason given for the change in order,
I think this would make the two Pass sections more similar,
thereby highlighting the differences in the second pass.

I could also suggest that the wording

Now fix a problem introduced by Glibc-2.31:

might be more explict about why, so perhaps:

Now fix a problem introduced by the Glibc-2.31 we have just built:

Hoping that's thought useful:
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