On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 07:05:24AM -0700, Joel Bion via lfs-dev wrote:
> Upgrading Perl was the trigger for me building my own package dependency 
> tracker utility. With tons of manual configuration, I am able to upgrade any 
> subset of packages at one time. It tells me what I need to rebuild, in what 
> order. Some packages trigger no or few rebuilds. Others, like OpenSSL, 
> trigger a few dozen. Python 3 might trigger 100. Perl is crazy; it triggers 
> 100s.
> Each package has a build script I’ve written. If I ever get around to it, 
> I’ll make it generate a super-script that involves unpacking the tar files, 
> so I can just automate the whole build.
> Sent from my iPhone
I won't complain about top-posting in the light of that last line!

You must build a _lot_ more than I do: I've got several non-book
perl modules which I sometimes build, and there are a few modules in
the book which I never build, but in the perl directory of my
scripts I only have 150 modules.

For python, I haven't counted recently (they only should need to be
rebuilt when the minor version changes, I believe).

And for openssl I don't rebuild anything if the version (without the
letter) has not changed, e.g. 1.1.f to 1.1.1g.  But I do stop and
start anything which is running and linked to the old version.   I
normally echo this as one long line at the end of my script, with a
message to copy and paste it to see what needs to be bounced:

grep -l  -e 'libssl.*deleted' -e 'libcrypto.*deleted' /proc/*/maps |
 tr -cd 0-9\\\n | xargs -r ps u

       He died at the console, of hunger and thirst.
       Next day he was buried, face-down, nine-edge first.
                              - the perfect programmer
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