On Sat, 20 Jun 2020 14:42:03 +0200
Thomas Trepl via lfs-dev <lfs-dev@lists.linuxfromscratch.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> this is about hte configuration options of perl.
> Problem:
> whenever perl is upgraded to a newer version (for example 5.30.2 to
> 5.30.3), all perl modules needs to be reinstalled as the current
> configuration of perl forces a directory structure like
> /usr
>   /lib
>     /perl5
>       /5.30.2
>         /...
>       /site_perl
> All modules are installed under /usr/lib/perl5/5.30.2 . Now, when
> installing a newer patch-version by overwriting the existing one, the
> structure looks like
> /usr
>   /lib
>     /perl5
>       /5.30.2
>         /...
>       /5.30.3
>         /...
>       /site_perl
> The 5.30.2-directory (which includes the modules) is more or less
> garbage as the new perl will use 5.30.3. Therefore, any installed
> module must be reinstalled to appear in the 5.30.3 structure.
> This all is not really a problem as long as the system is completely
> built from scratch and all modules are installed freshly. For those
> who uses some kind of pkgmnr or upgrade the system package by package
> it might be a problem when perl is about to upgrade.
> All comments, suggestions, tomatos and eggs are welcome!
> Is there something i have completely overseen?
> --
> Thomas

Hello Thomas,

In the past, I've used CPAN's autobundle when upgrading Perl versions.


perl -MCPAN -eautobundle

That will create a new bundle in ~/.cpan:
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2020_01_20_00'

Upgrade perl and if all is fine, issue the following command with the bundle 
perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bundle::Snapshot_2020_01_20_00'

Let some time pass. If all checks out, just remove the old versioned perl 
directly in /usr/lib/perl5


William Harrington
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