Hi all,

this is about hte configuration options of perl.

whenever perl is upgraded to a newer version (for example 5.30.2 to
5.30.3), all perl modules needs to be reinstalled as the current
configuration of perl forces a directory structure like


All modules are installed under /usr/lib/perl5/5.30.2 . Now, when
installing a newer patch-version by overwriting the existing one, the
structure looks like


The 5.30.2-directory (which includes the modules) is more or less
garbage as the new perl will use 5.30.3. Therefore, any installed
module must be reinstalled to appear in the 5.30.3 structure.

This all is not really a problem as long as the system is completely
built from scratch and all modules are installed freshly. For those
who uses some kind of pkgmnr or upgrade the system package by package
it might be a problem when perl is about to upgrade.

The following is under the assumption that patch-versions of perl are
compatible to each other. To solve the upgrade issue described above,
add a few new options to the perl install command in the LFS book:
sh Configure -des \
    -Dprefix=/usr                 \
Dvendorprefix=/usr           \
*   -Dprivlib=/usr/share/perl5/core_perl 
*   -Darchlib=/usr/lib/perl5/&perl-version-min;/core_perl \
*   -
Dsitelib=/usr/share/perl5/site_perl \
*   -
Dsitearch=/usr/lib/perl5/&perl-version-min;/site_perl \
*   -
Dvendorlib=/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl \
*   -
Dvendorarch=/usr/lib/perl5/&perl-version-min;/vendor_perl \
Dman1dir=/usr/share/man/man1 \
    -Dman3dir=/usr/share/man/man3 \
Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR"  \
    -Duseshrplib                  \

assuming that we have in packages.ent:

<!ENTITY perl-version-major "5">
<!ENTITY perl-version-minor "30">
<!ENTITY perl-version-patch "3">
<!ENTITY perl-version-min "&perl-version-major;.&perl-version-minor;">
<!ENTITY perl-version "&perl-version-major;.&perl-version-

This will produce a directory structure:


where modules are installed under /usr/lib/perl5/5.30/site_perl/ . In
this case, overwriting the installed perl with a newer one has no
effect on the installed modules unless minor or even major version of
perl changes.

A note to "make install" might be required as perl refuses to
overwrite an installation in case of an version mismatch (which makes
sense in case of incompatible version, maybe when minor or major
version changes). To overcome this, a
    mv /usr/bin/perl{,.old}
can be executed before doing the install.

As far as i have seen, there is no change required for BLFS except one
textual adjustment in the "Perl Modules" page. 

All comments, suggestions, tomatos and eggs are welcome!
Is there something i have completely overseen?


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