To all those involved in the soon to appear flaming session,... my appologies.

On 10/07/07, Tijnema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/10/07, Ross Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all Ive hit a bit of a stumbling block and cant seem to BASH script
> > my way out of it :(
> >
> > As most of you will know when building binary packages for UNIX-like
> > systems the output of
> >         make install
> > is usually re-directed using something akin to
> >         make DESTDIR=<some temp folder> install
> >
> > And then that temp folder is tarballed up, or what ever compression
> > the package manager uses, and a binary package is created from this.
> >
> > I've tried this approach (and several variants of it) to attempt this
> > with the vanilla kernel sources from and its not
> > co-operating with me.
> >
> > The guys at redhat/fedora use a whole lot of "cp" commands in their
> > kernel spec file to accomplish this but isn't there a simple way of
> > re-directing the kernel's Makefile's logic that says everything must
> > be installed under / ??????????
> >
> > Any and all thoughts appreciated....
> >
> > Ross
> Did you ever run a make install on the kernel? I

Yes quite regularly actually,... I take it you haven't worked on a
source based distro that uses LiLo recently have you,... I don't think

> Just note what you install with a kernel, that is
> a) The headers (already installed before Glibc, and should be upgraded
> together with glibc)
> b) The kernel itself (arch/i386/boot/bzImage)
> c) If any, the modules that are compiled
> d) Optional, but recommended as in the LFS book, the and
> .config files
> e) Optional, the documentation
> Tijnema

This all I am well aware of,... I was asking for assistance with
building a "binary package" not how does LFS work.

I've been building embedded GNU/Linux systems for 6years now,... what
I am having issues with is part of a package management system I am
putting together for embedded systems.

Far too many micro-distro's don't make use of proper package
management and this I feel is a necessary change.


PS:         Once again apologies for starting a public argument,...
but lets all try not assume things when answering people on mailing
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