Dear sir,


Although I have been using exclusively Linux for many many years it is only a 
few days ago I decided to buils my own system using LFS v.8.2. I am not quite 
certain which list this post should actually be on, but I subscribed to this 
list because I shall probably need it later... I do not generally post 
unnecessary questions, and indeed, I don't post questions at all. So here goes :


Building LFS 8.2 went smoothly until section 5.18 bzip2-1.0.6. When I tried to 
untar the package I got the following output:


tar: This does not look like a tar archive gzip:

stdin: not in gzip format

tar: Child returned status 1

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now


In fact it is apparently a html file according to 'file' output with a tar.gz 
extension. I first downloaded the original packages with the wget-list file, 
then, meeting this problem, ran wget with the specific file name. No succes. I 
tried the site http// and could find no trace of the sources. A 
visit to the site will tell you why.


I tried all the usual tricks to unpack it with absolutely no succes. To cut 
things short I spent 2 days searching the web to no avail then sent off a 
desperate search for "what happened to bzip2?" This search produced the 
following link :


I also found on this page the following link to the source files of bzip2 and 
it is the only link I have been able to find:



replace the package obtained from wget-list


and carry on as usual.


I might attract your attention to the fact that the post at is dated 
August 9th 2018 and so is recent.


As LFS uses bzip2 extensively it seemed to me that this information might be of 
some use. I can only hope that the newly downloaded version works. . . 


Many many thanks for the great work, I will let you know if I run into any 
difficulties with the package.

I leave it to your judgement as to how to address this potentially important 


Yours sincerely


Terence Waterhouse


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