--- "Alexander V. Lukyanov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 1. For slots, how do I create one for my initial connection without the use 
> > of a script?
> When a new slot is created, current connection settings are copied to it.
> So you just do `slot NAME' after opening a site.

Thank you.

> I have just noticed that -e 'slot X' does not work as expected. It is related
> to exit code from slot command. Attached patch should fix the problem.
> To workaround, use -e 'slot X ||()'

Bingo.  I tried creating the slot when starting lftp in that way but it didn't 

> > 2. I could not find a setting related to the "-O" switch (the destination 
> > directory).  It
> would be useful to have.
> I'll add it (xfer:destination-directory), it is easy.


> > 3. Why is lftp sometimes so slow when I use a wildcard (ex: mget|ls blah*) 
> > on a specific
> > server?  It can take between 1 to 2 minutes before anything happens when I 
> > am connected to
> > ftp.openbsd.org.  (Can someone confirm this?)  Using the same command at 
> > the same URL with
> > stock ftp does not exhibit this behaviour.

> This is related to improperly implemented ABOR at the server. For workaround, 
> use:
>     set ftp:use-abor no

No dice.  I changed the setting but it still took almost a minute to do this:

lftp ftp.openbsd.org:/pub/OpenBSD/3.7/packages/i386> mget lsof*
---> PASV
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode (129,128,5,191,171,202)    
---- Connecting data socket to ( port 43978
---- Data connection established                            
---> LIST
<--- 150 Have a Gorilla.                         
<--- 226 There, everyone likes a Gorilla.                     
---- Got EOF on data connection                               
---- Closing data socket
---> TYPE I
<--- 200 Switching to Binary mode.                
---> SIZE lsof-4.69p0.tgz
<--- 213 100536                                   
---> MDTM lsof-4.69p0.tgz
<--- 213 20050319014000                                
---> PASV
<--- 227 Entering Passive Mode (129,128,5,191,169,5)   
---- Connecting data socket to ( port 43269
---- Data connection established                         
---> RETR lsof-4.69p0.tgz
<--- 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for lsof-4.69p0.tgz (100536 bytes).
<--- 226 Wow, that seems to have worked.           
---- Got EOF on data connection
---- Closing data socket
100536 bytes transferred in 2 seconds (55.6K/s)
---- Closing idle connection
---> QUIT
<--- 221 Goodbye.
---- Closing control socket



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