> On Jan 26, 2015, at 11:26 PM, wm4 <nfx...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> No, no. As I said before, there are barely any developers on this list.

I don’t believe that — as I’ve spoken with them in the past, but if this is 
true, there’s a major problem right there: complete disconnect with your 
user-base. If you don’t know the needs of API consumers and where the API is 
showing to be cumbersome or in need of revision or improvement, then you are 
missing some very valuable input. 

> I guess people don't like giving tech support (especially for free).

All the more reason FFmpeg needs to be well documented and intuitive.

> As for contributing... I haven't seen a single FFmpeg patch from you,

> Well, you're not contributing in the first place. Your suggested wrapper

If you spent a little less time trying to personally impugn people and listen 
to what they are actually saying, you might acknowledge the simple logic that 
thorough understanding of design/architecture/API function and ability to have 
productive discourse on such topics are pre-requisites to contributing. That’s 
the point — people likely aren’t contributing because they can’t — there’s no 
ability to easily understand the API, and more importantly its design intent, 
without dedicating your life to reading cryptic and undocumented source code, 
and even then it still isn’t clear. That’s probably the source of compounded 
frustration— people want to understand, they’d like to be able to contribute. 
But they pragmatically can’t…or to their credit and wisdom, they won’t 
contribute, because they hold a high standard for the code they produce, and 
they aren’t about to make a bad problem worse for lack of knowledge.

There is no nobility in haphazardly throwing a patch across the wire just to 
say you can (of course, maybe that explains some things). I have plenty of 
things I would like to change, (and I’d wager others do too) but I’m not about 
to do so until I have a thorough understanding of the implications of such not 
just to me, but throughout FFmpeg. That knowledge is not easily accessible or 
obtainable. Furthermore, each attempt I’ve made to discuss something like this 
results in a Holy Grail -esque taunting from the French soldiers on the wall. 
I’m not interested in that — I’m all about moving forward and shipping product. 

This thread was an attempt to go around those barriers of contributing to the 
FFmpeg codebase, and immediately contribute what I was able to: something I 
know for a fact is a need; something which wouldn’t step on anyone’s existing 
turf; something which would be 100% value-add and not either take away or 
change the existing API. It is clear such a thing won’t be well-received, so 

I’m an eternal optimist, and so I view every problem as creating an 
opportunity; every closed door leads to another open one. So I’ll roll my own. 
The strength of generalism is breadth: providing something to the widest 
audience — but that “thing” is rarely the best thing. The strength of 
specialization is depth: the best of breed for the task. Neither I nor my 
clients need anywhere near the full breadth of what FFmpeg provides — and I’d 
guess that is the case with most folks. I believe that the common needs, the 
80-20, are probably relatively few compared with the entirety of what you *can* 
do with an API like FFmpeg. Just like what you *can* do with all the parts at a 
Home Depot is virtually infinite, what most people generally need boils down to 
some pretty common things, relatively few in number. 

There’s no need to duplicate the entirety of what FFmpeg provides…just a few 
well-worn paths. If you build it….they will come. 

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