On Tue, 4 Dec 2012 11:14:18 -0600
Peter Fein <p...@wearpants.org> wrote:

> I'm still hoping someone will dig through that data in depth - we've
> never had a look at censorship from the censors' perspective quite
> like this. Could make a great masters/PhD thesis topic for a graduate
> student in CyberForeignAffairs or PoliticoCompuMidEastStudies or Data
> Journalism or whatever.

A few people started to dig through the data, and then either gave up
when they realized the volume of it, or didn't publish their analysis
widely.  Here's one example,

Blue Coat logs are just ELFF format, nearly anything can parse them and
make pretty reports good enough for enterprise bosses. The value comes
from understanding what's missing in the logs, what's being tracked
overall, and who is communicating with whom. 500GB isn't that much
data. One could just take the raw logs, parse and import them into a
SQL database and then generate queries until the cows come home.

Heck, maybe I'll do this.

pgp 0x6B4D6475
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