the key word people seem to be missing is "unless": it says don't apply *unless
your application meets the program objectives*. it is therefore
encouraging, not discouraging, applications. as a RFP posted on,
it doesn't make much sense to think State is discouraging applications.
They appear to have updated the page almost immediately to avoid confusion;
it now reads "Proposals must demonstrate awareness of similar USG-supported
programming in Ukraine and how the proposed program would complement
ongoing efforts."

On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Yosem Companys <>wrote:

> Fostering Civic Engagement in Ukraine (approximately $500,000
> available): DRL’s objective is to support the role of civil society in
> policy formation and enhancing accountability and responsiveness of
> government officials in Ukraine. The program will support civil
> society to foster an inclusive and participatory democratic system of
> government and hold politicians and public officials more accountable
> to constituents. In order to foster more unity among civil society
> efforts, the program should support post-election advocacy on areas of
> policy formation and implementation such as ongoing efforts related to
> elections and election law reform; freedom of assembly legislation;
> and/or reversing legislation restricting the rights of vulnerable or
> marginalized populations. The program should also examine how well
> existing laws are implemented and help civil society ensure that
> citizens can use official institutions and mechanisms to exercise
> their rights. Program activities could include, but are not limited
> to: support for activities to encourage debate and advocacy by
> citizens and civil society organizations, small grants to civil
> society for monitoring and/or advocacy activities, creating regional
> civil society partnerships to increase civil society unity on advocacy
> efforts, or connecting Ukrainian civil society with their counterparts
> in one or more countries in the region through NGO-to-NGO exchanges
> and mentoring in order to take advantage of shared post-communist and
> transition experiences. Successful proposals will demonstrate a strong
> knowledge of civil society in Ukraine and an established ability to
> work with regional civil society groups.
> DRL strongly discourages health, technology, or science- related
> projects unless they have an explicit component related to the
> requested program objectives listed above.
> --
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