the whole thing is not a big deal, but i will risk repeating myself: the
original comment on this list overlooked the phrase " *unless they have an
explicit component related to the requested program objectives listed above*,"
and this is actually a solicitation *for *proposals, not an effort to
discourage them. The original "discourage" comment was just trying to
ensure that proposals were area- and program-specific. State has already
modified the page to make this clear, perhaps in reaction to comments such
as the original one on this list:
It's now clear that there is no intent to discourage applications.

On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Jillian C. York <>wrote:

> I just really don't see why this is a big deal.  So State's funding
> priorities for tech stuff aren't about those subjects.  So what?

David Golumbia
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