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Continuous non-constructive and uncivil behavior will get you moderated.

Yosem, one of your moderators

On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Nadim Kobeissi <na...@nadim.cc> wrote:
> On 2013-06-09, at 11:49 AM, Katrin Verclas <kat...@mobileactive.org> wrote:
>> +1000 on Nadim's comment who is not always that civil either.
> It's absolutely right that I also sometimes can get riled up or 
> passionate.But they key word there is "sometimes".  Some on this list are 
> just almost *always* like that like it's an acceptable form of behaviour. 
> It's not — it's bullying and oppression. It's stepping on people's throats. 
> And it has to stop.
> The amount of abuse I took as a new professional in information security a 
> year+ ago was so intense that I had to start seeing a shrink. Many of the 
> people behind that abuse are on this list. Some need to understand the limits 
> between productive discourse and debate and what, quite frankly, amounts to 
> nothing more than wagging your genitals at others.
> I am neither white or from a privileged background. I actually immigrated to 
> Canada due to my family losing its livelihood thanks to Israeli bombings. And 
> yet even though I've been through a lot, even I still find the abuse and 
> disrespect propagated by some in this community to be hard to handle, even 
> when it's directed at others.
> When I sent my first email complaining about this, I got many encouragements 
> in private from people who didn't speak out in public because they were 
> afraid of having "their throats jumped" upon. I wish they would join me in 
> making their concerns public. Why do I always have to be the one to say 
> what's on everyone's mind?
> This list isn't about shaming stupidity. It's about educating stupidity. It's 
> not about teaching people the "guts" they need to be "up to the task of 
> liberating". No one here has the authority to teach strangers about what they 
> can and can't handle. Stop being so arrogant, egotistical, apathetic and 
> near-sighted. It's about damn time this list, and this community, started 
> being professional and respectful.
> I'm sick and tired! Those who continue being abusive bullies should be called 
> out. I understand a lot of them still contribute a lot of valuable 
> information and debate (and I admire them for it,) but we need to separate 
> the two facets.
> NK
>> If you notice who speaks on this list- it's geeky men. And not just speak 
>> but flame at times and engage in silly meta discussions best filtered out.
>> The discourse on this list, in general, does not encourage truly thoughtful 
>> discussion nor does it invite diverse voices. That might be lost on people 
>> like RK but it's not lost on the many "others" here who are not speaking.  
>> Liberation isn't just for and by the few white men spouting off here more 
>> often than not. Might be worth keeping in mind when posting.
>> On Jun 9, 2013, at 10:08, Rich Kulawiec <r...@gsp.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 09:45:31AM -0400, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
>>>> I don't agree with x z (and rather agree with you), but I'm really tired 
>>>> of just how aggressive and rude you always are on Libtech.
>>> First: you've got to be kidding.  I've never seen a single message on
>>> this list that goes past about 2 on a 10 scale.  (Not that I'd mind
>>> seeing things that go higher: I really do enjoy quality flamage.)
>>> Second: stupidity, in all forms, fully deserves to be slapped down --
>>> hard.  I expect that if I say something stupid here (and if I haven't
>>> already, eventually I will) that I'll get hammered for it.  Good.
>>> I should be.  Because I would rather endure the pummelling and the
>>> possible embarassment than persist in being wrong.  (Or worse,
>>> making someone else be wrong too because they think I'm right when
>>> I'm most certainly not.)
>>> Third: anyone who can't handle the exceedingly gentle discussions here
>>> (which are, generally speaking, held between people who are *all on the
>>> same side*, at least in a philosophical sense), is really, really not
>>> up to the task of "liberating" anything.  Because doing so will require
>>> going up against people who will do far more than just type a few mildly
>>> caustic words in an email message from time to time.
>>> Jacob's contributions here are among the most cogent and useful.  I don't
>>> care how "aggressive" and "rude" he is (and I don't think he is at all,
>>> by the way), I care if he's right -- and he has an excellent track record
>>> of being so.
>>> ---rsk
>>> --
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>> Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by 
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> Too many emails? Unsubscribe, change to digest, or change password by 
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